How do I view/amend user privileges?



NOTE - Ensure the User Role you wish the User to be associated with has been created before following the steps below.


Navigate to Data⇒HR⇒User Management


From the user list, select the user you want to view or amend the privileges for


Click on the Privileges tab to view the user’s current privileges.


TIP - Privileges are not set for individual users, but for each user role within the company. It is easier to control who has access to what and means that if you have a number of employees performing the same or similar jobs, any changes you wish to make to their system access levels can be done once, rather than individually


To change the user's role, and therefore their access privileges, use the drop down box next to Role Name and select a new User Role from the list

NOTE - If there is not an existing User Role that includes the privileges required, then one can be created or amended to suit using the Manage User Role button. Please note that any changes made to an existing User Role will affect all users associated with that role, not just the one you are editing.

Once you have selected the correct role, click the Save button. The changes to the User(s) access will take effect the next time they log in.