How do I add a sales order? (with docketing on)


When received goods are entered using the Docketing function, the Customer Order Number and the relevant line item(s) are automatically created but with limited information.

To update this information, navigate to Network⇒Sales Order Processing⇒Sales Order

This will show the Sales Order List with the most recently entered orders at the top (Orders that have only been docketed will state Docketed in the status column.

Double click on the Customer Order Number you wish to update (or highlight it and click the Edit button) 

Note - If the order has not been docketed, a new order can be created on the system by clicking the New button

This opens the order - the Customer Order Number and the Customer Name are carried over from the Docketing function and the Contact details, the Delivery/Invoice addressed and the Currency fields are auto-filled from the Customer details. The remainiong fields are completed as required

Once all of the infoprmation has been entered, click Save


Click on the Order Item tab - this will then show all of the items docketed for this Customer Order.

Double click the line number to be updated

This opens the Sales Order Item screen

Complete the rest of the details as required for the line item and then press Save Order Item and then Close Order Item


This process can then be repeated for each order item


Note - If any additional order items need to be added that have not been docketed these can be added by clicking the new Item button on the Order Item list